Posts tagged ‘me-made-may’13’

May 7, 2013

Some bits of Me-Made-May

I haven’t taken photos of everything I’ve worn this week but here are a few. I feel that I am slipping into a uniform again, much like I did last year, and I like it!

I’ve worn one cardigan a lot this week. It’s number 39 from One Day Autumn Sewing which looks like this in the book

One Day Sewing Autumn

I sewed it from part of 2m+ of  herringbone wool which I found carefully folded and poking out of a neighbour’s bin bag ten years ago! I’ve been wondering what to do with it for all this time but in MMM12 I realised that I didn’t have any me made jumpers or cardigans and I thought it might suit this pattern well.


Sunday was a fail as I wore sportswear all day after doing a zumba thing at a local charity event. On Monday  I wore my old faithful denim 4 gore skirt with the same top as I wore on the first day and now it’s Tuesday already!

This is part of a dress that I’ve upcycled from a long bias cut linen mix skirt that I found at the swap shop last month. I cut the top shape using my favourite Novita pattern which is for bias then just winged the bottom half. It is a work in progress as I’ve made a pocket opening but not added the pocket and I think I want to taper it at the waist a bit so as to be a bit more fitted. Do you like the binding? I have whole skirt of this fabric that came from a jumble sale somewhere.


This is the hem


Here’s a bonus “Mum sewed this” picture of Miss Froo taken after she took my picture in the cardi.


She is in an Ottobre jersey top that I sewed for her sister years ago and still haven’t hemmed!

May 1, 2013

It’s May! Yay!

And it’s a bit sunny and warm, fancy that.

My pledge is this: ‘I, Rachel of Orange & Green sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear or carry something I sewed or upcycled each day for the duration of May 2013′

Here I am, photographed by Miss Froo who encouraged the pose! It’s a Novita top I sewed last summer, jeans that I had to cut 4″ off the hems and unseen me made undies. Someone has fiddled with the camera settings so today’s photo is a bit small.

1st May 2013

April 19, 2013

It’s nearly me-made-may’13

I’ve lost my sewing mojo, my blogging mojo and  some other mojos too as can be seen from the lack of attention to the blog since, well, ages ago.

I need a metaphorical kick up the bum and here it is, once again:


‘I, Rachel of Orange & Green , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13.

I endeavour to wear or carry something I sewed or upcycled each day for the duration of May 2013′